CategoryKeith’s Favorite Post

A collection of my favorite post in no particular order

Why we fear ‘hackers’: Dangers of Technical Illiteracy


Are you afraid of Hackers? Do you lie restless at night thinking of what might happen if they got into your bank account, facebook profile, or e-mail. Perhaps you’re also worried about that they might hack into a forum you visit, or that they might get into your personal messages on whatsapp. It’s true that hackers are able to do all of these things, but the public perception of...

Understanding Anonymous from a Malaysian context


The latest buzz in Malaysian cyberspace is the ‘threat’ from Anonymous Malaysia to launch ‘internet warfare’ on the Malaysian government, singling out our poor ol’ Prime Minister, demanding that he step down or face the consequences of Anonymous actions. The threat of internet warfare even came with a date, 29th to 30th August at 2.30pm, coinciding with Bersih 4.0...

How I hacked 4 Unifi accounts in under 5 minutes


So I was wondering if I should publish this, but I guess I have to. If you’re one of the 500,000 Unifi subscribers in Malaysia, you need to know that your stock router–is completely hackable. TM has left you literally hanging by your coat-tails with a router that can be hacked as easily as pasting a link. So I was struggling to figure out if I really should have made this post, but in...

Why Malaysians shouldn’t buy Coin–yet


There’s a lot of talk about COIN, the aptly named card replacement device that promises to end the bulge in your wallet–literally. Basically this handy device is meant to replace all your cards in your wallet, and saving you space in a secure yet convenient way. It’s oversold its pre-order a thousand times over, and it’s taking the internet by storm in a way we thought was...

Why Malaysia should never send anyone into space again–EVER!!


There’s been a lot of talk lately on Malaysia sending a second Angkasawan into space. Unfortunately, we don’t seem to be getting our moneys worth, the Angkasawan program has done nothing to stop the slide in our Scientific literacy in Malaysia, in fact, if the graph above is anything to go by it’s actually made the it worse. One of the key reasons always cited to support the...

Internet Censorship won’t work in Malaysia


Why shouldn’t Malaysia censor the internet? Of late, the recent cases involving a certain pair of ‘sex’ bloggers and their ilk have prompted certain parties to call for more stringent regulations of the internet, but I for one think that we need to ensure that the internet remain free and un-censored–now more than ever. So why shouldn’t we censor the internet...

Fair Usage Policy: Data caps and Torrent filters


This article is really more a continuation from yesterdays piece about how unfair the Fair usage policies in Malaysia are. In my view telcos complaining about 15% of customers using 70% of their traffic is just ludicrous behaviour–it’s the cost of doing business. This is akin to a restaurant owner offering a buffet and then complaining that 15% of his customers are fat men who eat the...

What is PRISM?


There’s a controversy brewing in the land of the free, one that will have implications for Americans, but also Malaysians and nearly every citizen of the world. We may look back at the moment Mr. Snowden leaked controversial (and ugly) slides about a program called ‘PRISM’ as the start of a pivotal moment in internet history, a moment where we either begun a massive campaign to...

Security Offences Bill vs. Universal declaration of Human Rights


This is what Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. This is what security offences bill in Malaysia says: (1) Notwithstanding any other...