ArchiveAugust 2011

Http torrent downloads with Torrific


I recently wrote about how excited I was to use, but that turned out to be a bit disappointing. Recently I discovered torrific, a web based torrent download web page.  It’s as good (if not better) than The time taken to download the torrent may not be as super fast as, but torrific works for most torrent files and is far more reliable than Overall great...

I’m an Ikea Hacker…woot!!


So I’ve just moved into my new place and my wife and I wanted to convert our upstairs hall into a study area for the both of us. Problem is that I wanted a standing desk and my wife was having none of it. So a comprimise was in order…in this case we’d have 2 desk one for each, mine would be a standing desk and hers a regular sit-down one. I’m no master carpenter so our...

Crowdsourcing used to identify UK rioters


The recent events in the UK while tragic have unveiled some new uses for crowdsourcing. Some time ago people used Google Wave (now called Apache Wave) to help find a criminal murder suspect, which was amazing news if you ask me, but it still didn’t save Google Wave. Now however, the guys over at a website called Zavilia had a brilliant idea of using crowdsourcing to solve the London rioting... : A review of Malaysias 4G broadband


I’m going a bit off tangent today and focus on Malaysias latest 4G broadband. Recently I moved house and my new area didn’t yet have UniFi, so to avoid locking myself down to contracts I decided to go for a pre-paid wireless service offered by YTL called Yes. Initially I was a bit skeptical on the performance of yes, but it did have some things going for it. Firstly it was prepaid...

Crowdsourcing: The way of the future?


So you heard about Crowdsourcing from a TED talk you just watched online, and now you’re wondering what Crowdsourcing is. Well here’s the lowdown, Crowdsourcing is a phenomena where ultra rich companies rely on many lowly underpaid serfs to gather data, process it and then produce a result where the ultra rich companies can then use to make them richer…well in not so many words...

Copy your Facebook photo albums with Pick&Zip


Pick&Zip is an amazing app that allows you to copy over your entire Facebook photo albums all at once in one zip file. The application even allows you to view ALL the photos you’re tagged in and download those as well, especially apt if you’re looking to migrate this stuff to Google+. It also act as a great picture viewer for all your photos on Facebook.