ArchiveSeptember 2011

3 ways to get more visibility in twitter


I’ve been using twitter for some time now, as I hope to make it the default social media for promoting my blog. Thanks for platforms like bufferapp and, I can track how often people visit my website from twitter. The result aren’t good, in fact I’d be lucky if a tweet was able to garner 2 hits to my website, most of the time it hovers around an agonizing ZERO!! So what am...

3 Things Social: 6 Degrees Of Separation, Dunbars Number, Social Goodness


In the broad spectrum of the animal kingdom where you have the Lone Predator on one end and the Hyper-Connected Ants on the other , Humans are surprisingly much closer to the Ants than we are to that solitary Puma trolling the Jungles of Peru (although it may be a lot more interesting to be a puma). Humans are built (or even programmed) to be with other humans, to share our thoughts and emotions...

Top Level Domains and their importance


What is a top-level domain, in simple terms it’s the part of the url after the last ‘.’ , so in my case my blogs url is , my top-level domain would be .com. There’s a long list of top level domains besides the regular ‘.com’ that you should be aware of if you’re hoping to start a website. Consider the case of Guy Kawasaki who bought 55 domains for his...

Best File Sharing Website


A good file sharing website is hard to come by ever since was bought over by Facebook. I loved and my admiration for the design of their service goes without saying…but I’ll say it anyway. There was a huge void for a short period, where I was struggling with things like dropbox, skydrive and even hosting my own file sharing server (here). Fortunately, for the file...

Nearlyfreespeech, how much does it really cost? Just $3.60


For those of you who don’t know, I host this blog on an awesome webhost called nearlyfreespeech. It’s a different kind of webhost because it doesn’t offer fixed price per month packages, but rather a pay-as-you-go model. Now what that means is that you can get your website fully operational for under 1 US dollar (and I’m not kidding), however as your blog grows and you...

Techless Tuesday: Stress isn’t just mental


I’ve decided to start a separate Tuesday posting that has nothing to do with the web or tech, I call it Techless Tuesday, and the topic of todays Techless Tuesday is something I’ve been researching for about 3 weeks now…Stress. So what is Stress and what can we do about it. It’s all pretty standard question but what I’ve discovered about stress really amazed me , not...

Starting your own Groupon site


My wife trolls deal sites everyday looking for deals to save us 50% on romantic dinners or 70% off on Hotel stays or even 90% off on skydiving. Deal sites like Groupon and Mydeals are popping up everywhere these days that you’d look like a fool if you bought a meal at …regular price (gasp!) . However, if you’re not contented with just trolling the 10 deal sites you subscribe to...