3 Reasons to say NO to Yes Mobile


I recently purchased a yes mobile account, and was pretty happy the results. In my past review I mentioned that the speed was great followed by good stability. However, there have been some downsides to the service, and here’s some reasons why you should avoid yes mobile.

While Yes is great, there are overall flaws with the service, and below is my review of 3 reasons why you shouldn’t use YTL Yes 4G.

Before I move to the reasons, let me explain the kind of user I am. I work from home 3 times a week and use my laptop for just about all my working needs which include late night teleconferences, phone calls (via my companies VOIP) and even for webcast and presentations that I do on a regularly basis. Working from home has it’s advantages, for one I don’t travel too often and can usually get a lot of work done. However, if my internet connection is down, I’m completely cut-off from the office, with no office communicator and email, there’s very little I can do at home. Even worse, if the internet connection goes down before a teleconference (or even during a teleconference), things get pretty ugly pretty fast. I absolutely need a stable and reliable internet connection and chose Yes 4G because I thought it would provide me that, turns out I was wrong.

Reason #1: A prepaid service that doesn’t alert you when your balance is going to finish

Yes! operates on a prepaid model, where for RM68 you get 3.5GB of data transfer and some freebies thrown in the middle, the problem however is that it doesn’t alert you if the your balance is ridiculously low. You would think they would set some thresholds where an email is sent to alert you when you’re down to 1GB, 500MB, 100MB, 50MB..etc, but there aren’t.

What this translates to is your internet connection could get severed half-way through a call and Yes wouldn’t even warn you. In fact this is exactly what happened to me, and I consider this a fundamental design flaw. Any pre-paid system should warn you when your balance is nearly finished and provide consistent and constant updates.

Now Yes does offer a ‘automatic reload’ function, but this isn’t really the same thing. I want to have control of my spending and providing me those email updates is the best way to do it. Basically what Yes is saying is that the only way you’re going to have peace of mind, is giving me your credit card number.

Reason #2: A Telecommunications company has no phone number

Today I suffered another Yes 4g outage (2nd time in 4 months). Going online proved useless as Yes doesn’t have a phone number I can call to make a complaint or to get an update on. How in the world does a telecommunication company operate without a help-line. I know phone numbers are a bit outdated but I still think it’s absolutely necessary for a company to have one, especially one catering to end-users like myself and especially a telecommunications company. Take a look at the screenshot below, see any phone number?

The strange thing about my breakdown today was the fact that I could access the YES homepage but not my own, leading me to believe that my credit had run out, but further inspection proved that was not the case, however I eventually had to reload just to see if I could get back online (I was that desperate), but to no avail. In situations like this I wish I could call a number and talk to someone, it would have saved me the RM68 I spent on a top up that didn’t solve my problem.

And this is me, imagine if my mother was using Yes, how would she report an issue, through a bloody website?

Reason #3: It breaks down….

Yes had it’s second outage today, and I had to drive about 2 km to the nearest starbucks to continue working, this is 7pm on a working day. Now internet connections breaking down is one thing, and I expect that, but I’m paying a premium for Yes and I expect premium service. If I head over to a YTL hotel like the Pangkor Laut, I expect to be treated differently than when I fly AirAsia, the difference is the price point. If Yes insist on being the most expensive broadband plan in Malaysia it should start offering better service with higher reliability.

UMobile offers 5GB for the same price as Yes 3.5GB, and my home streamyx offers higher reliability at a much lower cost with unlimited downloads (at a slower speed of course). The point is, I pay a premium and I expect a Premium, 2 downtimes in about 4 months is unacceptable for a premium service.

So overall, while I was initially happy with the service, these FUNDAMENTAL flaws in the design of the service have made me re-think. In fact, I’m already registered for a UniFI which should be installed next month. So there it is, 3 reasons you should say NO to YES.


Astound us with your intelligence

  • I agree with u Keith. U have all the reason to quit using Yes. I experience that to. I was wondering what happenend to this huddle because no warning how much balance left. I still on my stremyx since unifi still didnt cover my area.

      • I will be getting my Preve soon with Yes 4G bundled. he said that the first year is free. I mean, how reliable is it in a Preve?

        • I guess that fully depends on where you drive. my experience with yes coverage was good in klang valley. Can’t comment for elsewhere.

    • Am more worst that now have an outstanding rm3k plus which I need to pay. Earlier someone from yes agreed to me.. As long I pay every month then my name not in CTOS ..

      Now ,, no discount at all, now I received one sms said my name is blacklisted because not paying. Am really don’t understand.

      Before am subscribed,, I told them my area have no coverage as there is something blocking … And also tat why I have closed my P1 and they allowed me with paying some penantly which f w hundred. But ,, yes totally count from your agreement and no discount at all.

      Story is…when I used.. Internet connection is worst than ever. So,, I went nearby my place and wan to close account,, their staff said can’t . And I called to them,, no pickup. Only one month after that they have blacklisted me.

      So,, I chose to pay them instalment to settled it and now,, they sms me that am blacklisted in CTOS.

      • If you still pay installments, what else they do to you?Do you receive any letter from the law firm earlier? I’m in the same condition as you. My debt is 1,5++ and I got letter from law firm which said I need to pay the whole amount in 10days or else they will take action towards me. I can’t afford to pay a whole amount once, if I pay them installment would they still take action? What is the next step after they sent you letter from the law firm? I shouldn’t took this fuckin broadband if I know this will happened. Sigh~

      • I received a letter from yes that i must pay rm.1690.10 crazy… I did not use the yes a long time ago.. Why he ask me to pay??..

      • Thank you for sharing your experience as Yes customers’. I think this would be happened if customer service is helpful where way out advise avail to avoid penalty made to customer. Why not yes giving an option to cease contract by settling the os and return the devise to them.

  • Hey Im doing research about Yes Broadband and found your articles about it! Very helpful for me to take reference before buying it. But here’s something I think I can share at here, regarding to the contact numbers of YesCare. They updated their website. 😉

    You can e-mail to yescare@yes.my or call us at 018 333 0000.
    Note: The 03 8313 0000 number is no longer in use.

    YesCare operating hours:
    Mon-Fri: 8am-10pm
    Sat-Sun & Public holidays: 9am-5pm

    • Their services are NO! Their services very SUCK at all. Even calling to their customer service hotline 0183330000. The AI will keep on telling your information to you. After few minutes its still the same and NO ONE will pick your phone to serve you. Most of the time their network coverage very small and slow. When you are inside a building or a house, you are probably not in service already!

      Their email just for display purpose I think. I have sent few emails to them, but doesn’t has any reply. Just let customer send the email for fun?

      So please, everyone should think probably before you use this service provider 🙂

      • Agree. I have made payment online to them before the due date and they simply barred my internet connection. I sent few email and call them but they dont reply to your email and call. I have reported to MCMC.

  • YTL hired all those stupid and idiot programmer from Iran, Turkey and stupid project manager from India due to low labour, because of this stupidity and want to save huge cost on labour and earn huge profits from us, they took this risk!

  • I bought Proton Preve car came with Yes 4G huddle since April 2012 and it offer FREE usage for one year, and now is February 2013, only left 2 months to get expired, BUT until now my yes ID not yet activated and I called their support, they said only need 2 days to complete, and now already 10 months over, none of their support dare to pick up my call, anyway, I already throw this huddle into Klang river and if they call to ask me to renew the service, I will tell them, sorry I don’t have credit card, will you accept my cheque dated April 2014?

  • yeah its a bad service.. there is a fair usage policy and best effort basis in the tnc as well. it is not a premium service. its unifi but with higher price only. if finish quota then capped speed. then hell it gets so slow because with quota it is fast. so it is like unifi, if the network is down, then you wait. complaining also not going to help because its a cheap service. slow connection also cannot complain because theres this fair usage policy, u share the same bandwith with all the other ppl. same with yes. now if i want my own bandwith and not sharing it with the rest of the world i should take up premium service offered for companies. 1Mb already enough. pay 60k per month. no downtime got backup.

  • I bought their Zoom router outright, paid RM399. Configured once and left it at 1 spot at home to use everyday for the next 2 years. 2 weeks ago, the device stopped working. I walked into their outlet at Lot 10, the technician tried to do a factory reset. After trying 4-5 times, his response is the device is not working anymore. My only option is to buy a new device. Yes, i know my warranty period has expired but they can’t even try send the device for further troubleshooting or quote me to repair. Routers usually last for a very long time unless there’s a power surge at home. Nobody messes with a router at home like a washing machine or oven. You just configured it and leave it there to work. I asked the technician for a confirmation report that the device is no longer usable and he said there’s no such thing. He offered to print out the device information, e.g. MAC address, serial no., warranty period. What the heck can i do with these information?

  • My zoom router stopped working after 2 years as well. I suspect that was a programmed bugs in the firmware?

  • The latest of the dislike is balance of data usage even if you keep renewals on time will no longer be applicable. Yes, planning a replacement to disconnect them now…

    • that’s a pity man. I guess Yes4g can be a pretty good backup device but definitely not a primary connectiob.

  • I agree. Total rip-off service with horrible customer care. Go into their store and it will take you an hour to get out of there. If you deviate from their script by one word – ie: you have an existing device but don’t have a Yes ID – they’ll break down and just keep asking you the same question over and over and over again. Their wireless devices aren’t even wireless; my Huddle device can’t stand 1 hour without being charged. It’s like I’m living in 2001 with a long USB cord attached to a device bigger than my wallet.

  • Yes 4G coverage area redeuced. Area which was previously on their coverage map – is now outside their coverage map. Reason given is blindspot.

  • I had the worst case I guess. I am a student and I use quite a lot of internet due to the course I’m taking in which I decided to use YES. During the registration, the sales girl told me about the data plan and stuffs and asked me to sign a blue form saying that it is proof that I HAVE RECEIVED THE DEVICE ONLY. As I was in a rush, it wa smy fault of not reading further. After about 2 months, I couldnt use my huddle and I went to fix it. TWICE. and both times she said it will work and sorts and after that when I tried to go back there to do it, the store was gone. And I didn’t use it anymore because it was troublesome. about 1 year later, they called me and threatened to pay RM1189.80 or YES will sue me and make sure I didn’t get access to any loan including my studies loan. I was so confused when she said I have signed a contract when I couldn’t think when I did. I swear I didn’t hear a word coming out from the sales girl about contract and now i was forced to pay eventhough i hadn’t used the Yes and more annoying, I was not provided the service that was suppose to be given. YES company is a cheater. Please Never, Ever Use YES. They cheat you into using it and use it to threatened you later on. Not to mention the operator was absolutely RUDE and not wanting to explain anything but kept on threatening that they would be glad to take legal actions especially since I was a student. I ended up being chased out of the house for a few weeks and had to find my own way to pay for something i didn’t use. YES IS A CORRUPTED BUSSINESS!!I

    • My dear above, i am having same problem now. they r rude, saying that court will sue me. I really duno wat different between bar & terminate. now they want me pay back few thousand. wat should i do?

      • This actually happened to me but with P14G service. I already asked them to terminate my service via phone call after the contract. 1 year later i received a call from a lawyer saying that I have an outstanding payment of almost 1k. I told them that I have not been using the service, so why do I need to pay? I called up P1 and asked them what actually happened, they say they never get any termination notice from me. So I had to pay up 1k to clear my name from AKPK black list.

        I believe YES 4G also use the same tactic with their customers. Use or not, you still have to pay. As P1 informed me, if I’ve not been using the service, the fault is on ‘my side’ not ‘their side’ bcs they still provide the service, it’s my lose I’ve not been using. Total loss: 1k and lifetime regret for ever trusting any of these companies.

        Now I’m using YES Zoom. The connection is very unstable with speed 0.01Mbps. But I still pay because my contract is yet to end. I will terminate when the time comes and subscribe Unifi.

    • Evy, I also experienced the same issue. I stopped using the lousy YES service after 2 months, but knew later bond with 2 years contract, they asked me to fork out rm 1300+ if not will sue me to court. Did they really do that ??

    • Gracious, I’ve experience something similar to yours,as a student I can really relate to the financial burden. Apart from the lousy connection and power starving YES Huddle, my YES account was abruptly terminated without my consent. Which lead to penalty due to termination. And they insist on me paying the full penalty amount when I had never even agreed to any termination at all. Very disappointing, I would never recommend YES to anybody, especially students.

  • 100% agreed to the above comment, i am the new user for ZOOM 98 just only 5 days finish all my 10GB data, and asking me to top up again reason given is data finish, so i have no choice have to do the new top up, top up with another 3GB for RM55, again 5 hours reaching 80% of my quota, when i asking for the proven on transaction but feedback to me is confidential cannot prove even i am the account holder.
    Please read thru the agreement before sign, we have to pay the penalty for the monthly fee x 24 months. YES IS JUST LIKE AH LONG.,

    • Change ur password lim. Probably someone get hold of it. Happened to my brother once. He changed it, good as new

  • Yes provides the worst customer service. When they think payment is not received, they will not notify/make any inquiry first. They just cut the service without even discussing reasons/options with the customer first. In my situation, I had actually already made payment, but they did not receive notification of payment for some reason – so they barred my account outright. I informed them that I had indeed made payment, and e-mailed them proof of payment, but they refuse to unbar my account until they are investigate further. Seriously, do I have to prove to these people that I deserve their internet??? I would rather just switch a more customer-friendly service provider elsewhere.

  • i have no problem using yes 4g. u mobile also has 4g service update 2015 recently. i can manage banwidth using open vpn at my office server using set only 256kbps n operate still fast steadly for email or remoting. office located at gombak and i work remotely in nilai area.

  • I’m new YES broadband user, just bought the Zoom prepaid starter pack last month, which cost me more than RM400.

    Yesterday there was heavy rain in my area, and after that my Zoom wifi router’s signal drop significantly from 4 bars to 1 bar only, which eventually I can’t browse the Internet at all due to weak signal.
    So I called YesCare Customer Support 0183330000, the YES agent told me that there was something wrong with the tower in my area and the technician was fixing it as we speak, probably will be fixed by yesterday night or today morning, asked me to try again later.

    However, this morning I don’t see any changes at all, 1 bar signal, can’t even browse Google. So I called them again, gave my YES ID, asking why the problem still persists since yesterday I called in. The agent checked and told me there is nothing wrong with the tower in my area, and he doesn’t see any report from the previous agent that I spoke with yesterday.

    So the agent I spoke with yesterday was actually lie to me eventough I told him that I got very important presentation that I need to use my Internet without interruption today afternoon. How could he?

    And I spent more than RM20 calling them. Those agent always asked me to do some useless troubleshooting, which doesn’t solve the problem at all.

    If anything happened to my presentation this afternoon, I gonna crush the YES Zoom wifi router with a hammer and put it on youtube. Son of a bitch!

    *This is not the first time I got weak signal. The previous one was much worse.

  • YES is going to be NO to me soon… it seems the website is down too… and i cant get connected for three days now… hmmmm hmmm

  • Just got my YES 4G upon purchase of IRIZ. Supposedly to be the best 4G in town .. well wat da heck got it for free … somehow after using it for almost 2 months now & suddenly yesterday it stopped working totally … upon checking today with YES CRM, they told me … “Sir, you’ve used up all your quotas” … God my average daily usages were below 100mb … suddenly yesterday it shot up to 1.5GB in one day … Die man!! sure die one!!! … now I hv no internet service and was told to wait till end of July b4 I can use it back … phew!! .. somebody must hv hijacked my databits as I was at a public area when it happened yesterday ….sigh … there’s no warning of high usage at all …it’s like YES condone to such “robbery”… shame on you …

    • Got “free” huddle to for buying proton iriz..had similar problem as your after 1 month usage…my password keep changing everyday..had called and inform yes operator many times to rechange my password..its unbilievable can u imagine within 1 weeks the passqord keep changing on its own 20 timess?damn i think it must be people who work in yes dat change my password and use up all my data..it doeant make sense that they cant do anythig and only advice me to keep rechange the password ..lousy security system yes 4g have..fuck


  • same here, they’re not calling me when my bill is ready to pay, so i suspect they terminate my acc… after a year, they said my bill is rm1000.. wth i said,, they never call me b4,, even no message they send me, suddently i must play for 1k? i prefer TM more, atleast TM will call you if your bill is higher than rm200.. they will said why,how.. if we cant continue the payment, they will terminate imediately even the contract still on.. but not like yes, they dont tell/call.. how we know… especially when we open the acc for our child/mom under our name.. and one more thing is we cant limit the speed, i know its 4g.. but for example if we hv quota 16gb but the speed is more than 12mbps.. it will consume all the data.. if you watch youtube/any video on the internet/download big file (eg. 6gb file). it will consume all 16gb quota.. bcoz we cant limit the speed.. thats why im very frustrated with yes . (sorry if my english is too bad)

    • Hi, I have some problem.
      Their service sucks, and ask me to pay for something that I can’t use, I even don’t have internet service at all from them 🙁

      They say I need to pay 300 else the will fill sue and get black listed by CTOS ,CCRIS and RAMC.

      Do you pay them?
      Please reply, I need some suggestion

  • I had the same issue a few years ago when they first launch the Eclipse smartphone and bought sign up for Zoom package thinking the allocated bandwidth should last a year but only 6 months.

    I wasted 500mb twice downloading a software update over 1.2G and then told about the 500mb cap. Burnt 1Gig for nothing, after that connection begin to slow and down time happen every day.

    Umobile, Tune Talk are scaled down service for the least affordable and it sucks for business on the go, Hotlink prepaid is a better option (premium) because it still work even at low signal connection, others don’t except I haven’t try Digi.

  • Omaigod i thot iam the only person had bad experience with Yes. Only on the first day using my Yes data all 4gig used up and Yes ask me to buy booster already…i feel like being cheated by Yes…i went to Yes customer service in Lot ten to stop the account but i was forced to continue another month and force to pay for the continued service the reason being i have to inform 7 days earlier for them to process the account closure only to receive worst no data at all for the continued month…hell to Yes…to others…pls dun use Yes

  • Really cheater, what the way they count quota? 7GB just for 5 or 7 days only? other service provider can provide better speed in just 3 GB quota ! Before I was using DiGi and U Mobil internet ! They are more better, I mean their 3GB Quota is far better than this cheater Yes’s 7GB data…when I end my contract, 100% i terminate this stupid system !

  • GOSH!! I thought my issue with YES might be peculiar, I not no idea there are so many similar problem here… I experienced all the downsides Keith mentioned here hence I have decided I will terminated the contract once the two years is up. Unfortunately just 2 months before the contract ends, the modem broken down, exactly same situation like Yung. Went to Lot 10, waited for the manager for 4hrs. They didn’t even try to reboot it just asking me to buy a new one. I said I won’t pay for a new one since I have the intention to cancel the account. I suggested if they can try and repair it, very poor customer service guy do nothing to help. They said if I am not happy to buy a new one I should fill up the feedback form, leave the modem and they will get back to me on their suggestion. However for more than one year no one get back to me and recently a lawyer letter demand for payment for the balance two months charges and few messages saying I am blacklisted!!! Why should I pay for something that I didn’t use???? Very very disappointing how unreasonable and unhelpful YES is. I felt utterly stupid choosing this very well-advertised internet service, real cheater like GB mentioned here. To those who is reading this PLEASE DON”T USE YES!!!

  • I receive a call today from them that they hve issue my a lawyer letter and that i need to pay 2k plus b4 the 29th.. when i didnt even use it at all.. wtf… seriously? Any idea wat will happen if i dont pay up as im not workin now..

  • Same here. I applied for rm78 5gb per month. and then they texted me that they terminated my acc after i didnt pay for 3 months. So i just let it be like that. I thought the acc alrdy terminated. so i didnt pay for 7 months alrdy. just now they call me that my bill is rm1600. Wtf? If u count it. rm78x7 = rm546 . even if include gst will not reach fucking rm1600. FUCKING YES FUCKING ASSHOLE

      • Normally if they have terminated you.. To them is no discount and fucking need us pay all in full. And putting our name is CTOS blacklist. This am facing now…

        Worst right?
        Even am not working now also

    • Am more worst,, rm3k plus. Sad. They are fucking asshole. Did they put u on blacklisted on CTOS?

    • I am facing a similar issue. I was 23 years old at the time unaware they were trapping me legally into the contract. I barely used it for 1 month and after 3 months my account was terminated which i though should put an end to it. They told me i am blacklisted, and i am an international student who is not working. Why should i pay for something that haven’t used for 3 frigging years! We should group together and sue their asses off for this kind of trickery at consumer court. If you guys are interested, email me at hizuna786@gmail.com so we can all meet and do something about it!

  • i already paid my bill this month and i kept getting message from yes said that i have reached 100% of monthly data quota. or purchase superbooster to continue surfing. so i purchase 3.0 superbooster. then, not more than 3 days, i get the same message again. what the heck laa. now, my line is super duper slow n now i have tonne of assignmnt need to submit. what else should i do??

  • YES! They made it difficult for you to terminate the service. You will have to go to their store to terminate it. The same goes to Celcom. I terminated Celcom becos of most unfriendly service and make things difficul for me. And I am going to do the same NO!, real soon!00

  • Well ,i recieve a massage that say bill statement and amt,cause im first time using YES so i hav to know about YES sending the msg to alert my data usage is low? I buy the package in 28/3 ,and 1/4 YES sending msg to me ,jus few day and 16GB finish? If i continue using ,will it charge me more ?

    • No MQ, they can’t charge you more unless you purchase a booster, but once your credit is finished the internet will be so slow as to render it almost unusable… I think the speed is about 128 kb per second. Normal sped is 4 mb

  • I have had 2 different accounts with YES over a period of around 5 years. I closed the first account because I thought it was being hacked, but the same problem keeps happening.

    I now have the Super 98 deal with 10 gig. This month the 10 gig finished in 8 days, so I buy a 5 gig booster. That finished in one day so I buy another 5 gig. So far this month I have spent RM 250 and only half way through the month. My usage is only light, surfing the net and reading emails, no movies! After reading this blog it is now clear to me what I always suspected,

    Also it is worth noting that as data gets cheaper the quotas increase, but only for new customers, so the old customers pay more than the new ones. Other providers automatically upgrade their existing customers when the quotas increase, but YES doesn’t.

    A lot of people here are concerned about threats of legal action for unpaid bills. I suggest that these are bluff. You shouldn’t be bullied into paying their bill if they have cheated or not provided the service that they were contracted to supply. Perhaps Kieth could connect us all up to initiate a class action against them?

  • So, should we pay or not? I have an outstanding around of 2.8k with Yes 4G after abandoning their service for like six months plus. They called me today, told me to pay and a lawyer’s letter will be sent if I don’t pay up.

  • same with me. how you settle down?
    the time you subscribe,how long your contract?
    maybe we can keep in touch.

  • I am thinking changing from maxis 4g which i paid rm88 for 5gb + 15gb to unlimited quota ytl zoom or ytl 88, good move?

  • Vince and Amir, I don’t think you should pay up without contesting their charges. You should lodge a complaint using the link I provided in my previous post, and ask them to mediate for you. This may free you of the debt and stop this unethical company from ripping off others in the same way. Let us know how you go. YES continues to cheat me on data. Rather than purchasing their boosters I have turned my phone into a hotpot. I calculate that with YES I am using 10 to 20 times more data for similar surfing using my phone, which is with Celcom

  • I’ve been using Yes Home Internet for quite some time now and before that I used to use Unifi. From my point of view, even though Unifi is more expensive than Yes, it provides a more stable, reliable connection when compared to Yes. Yes can’t even provide a stable skype connection. Whenever I wanna watch youtube, I always stuck at 360p. Never HD resolution. I really want to change to TIME internet but they don’t cover my area.. 🙁

  • I also using yes before this . Only 1 months I use then they ask to top up then I not use until now.. then after 3 or 4 months . They sms me paid rm1k below !! It’s fucking liar . Then they said my account already terminated. But I don’t ask them to terminated the account !!said NO to YES!!

  • I purchased one Yes product in 2012 and used it for 2 months only. The service was of absolute poor quality. Unreliable customer service. 4 years later, exactly 2 days ago a moron from a collection company from Sepati or whatever, claiming to represent Yes says I have to pay RM800 and he can push it down to RM600. Today he called again i a rude voice “Regarding my discount, are you interested or NOT? If you refuse to pay in 2 days we will send you a legal letter. Wow Tan Sri Francis Yeoh, owner of YTL Corporation that own Yes, for someone who appears to be religious and God fearing, you sure know how to exploit your ex-customers! Disgusting.

  • “Dear…, remit full balance of rm1839 immediately to avoid your name updated inc-tos and ALL YOUR CREDIT APPLICATION WITH BANKS WILL BE BLOCKED. Watsapp/sms at 0133564203/0133562937 upon making payment.”
    Anyone else get this message?? I didnt pay for 4 months within contract period, was thinking to pay all after i received my bonus but then the penalty msg came, so i cannot afford to pay all. I just let it be because i dont have that much money to pay..then i receive this msg.

  • I can say yes actually cheated me. As i am an aggressive person. Because I want my online course going. Yes4g cut off my line by telling me I reach 100% quota after my monthly payment at beginning of the month. How the hell my quota run out as light Even I don’t run any inch?



  • I think we all have a similar experiences and cases here of victims to Yes broadband company being chased for debt that we shouldn’t being charged. I had the similar experiences to 5164 (@Eunnjooo) that I’ve stopped my services , returned devices to them and yet they still comes after me for bill amount of 1000 + which I’m totally unaware of when I terminated my account at the counter and no one inform me this info. I personally think we have enough numbers and form a community to file our complaint to the right authority or government department to check on all these debt they trying to collect from their victims.

  • I think we all have a similar experiences and cases here of victims to Yes broadband company being chased for debt that we shouldn’t being charged. I had the similar experiences to 5164 (@Eunnjooo) that I’ve stopped my services , returned devices to them and yet they still comes after me for bill amount of 1000 + which I’m totally unaware of when I terminated my account at the counter and no one inform me this info. I personally think we have enough numbers and form a community to file our complaint to the right authority or government department to check on all these debt they trying to collect from their victims.

  • 1.
    Sigh! I should read this blog & comments before my friend made her payment to yes when she received the following message this morning:


    According to her, she bought this in 2014 while she just returned from overseas, used it for two three months then switch to unifi. She never cancel the account.

    And this is my experience when I tried to activate a free Yes sim card, I have just spoken to an unfriendly + unpleasant voice tune staff a moment ago. In fact I hv selected button 2-English, but a Malay speaking lady attended to me (no wonder my friend complained to me every time she called, the staff will speak BM, and my friend no good in BM). Asked her questions, if yes, she will just replied “emng”, if no, she will just said “tak boleh” then full stop, no further explanation. End conversation no greetings like others service centre; neither “is there any other questions I can help?” nor “thank you for calling xxxx have a nice day”

    First thing they need to improve is train their staff.

    I will forgo the free Yes sim card.

  • 1.
    Sigh! I should read this blog & comments before my friend made her payment to yes when she received the following message this morning:


    According to her, she bought this in 2014 while she just returned from overseas, used it for two three months then switch to unifi. She never cancel the account.

    And this is my experience when I tried to activate a free Yes sim card, I have just spoken to an unfriendly + unpleasant voice tune staff a moment ago. In fact I hv selected button 2-English, but a Malay speaking lady attended to me (no wonder my friend complained to me every time she called, the staff will speak BM, and my friend no good in BM). Asked her questions, if yes, she will just replied “emng”, if no, she will just said “tak boleh” then full stop, no further explanation. End conversation no greetings like others service centre; neither “is there any other questions I can help?” nor “thank you for calling xxxx have a nice day”

    First thing they need to improve is train their staff.

    I will forgo the free Yes sim card.

  • YTL Comms shouldve shut down their own business . No added value whatsoever in their plans . Very dissapointing ISP . Ill recommend Malaysians do not use any of their plans ,Not worth it

  • YTL Comms shouldve shut down their own business . No added value whatsoever in their plans . Very dissapointing ISP . Ill recommend Malaysians do not use any of their plans ,Not worth it

  • I got the same problem. in december 2014 i just purchase yes internet with rm 68 plan (4gb) and they give me a free huddle as they do a promotion at my university. so I just bought it and used it about a year until Jan-february 2016 i couldn’t remember when I stop used it cause the internet so suck and slow, like I renew my payment then just 4 day they sent me a message I’ve fully use 100% kuota.then i stop using it. why should I used it if the data already full when i just use not more than a week! I’m so frustrated. the I’m changing my phone number and use a celcom internet burung hantu so far it’s still good. then today I got a letter from lawyer that i have an amount that I don’t pay about rm 732.95 if I don’t pay within 7 day my name will be blacklisted on ctos then the interest will getting higher.!! omg!! how could I live!! I’m just 21 y/o who still a student. how can I find such amount of money!! please somebody help me!! I’m just crayin right now don’t know how to resolve this. I don’t want to pay cos I’m not use it!! if my name on ctos it’s really hard for me to make a bank loan? I don’t want my name on ctos.

  • I got the same problem. in december 2014 i just purchase yes internet with rm 68 plan (4gb) and they give me a free huddle as they do a promotion at my university. so I just bought it and used it about a year until Jan-february 2016 i couldn’t remember when I stop used it cause the internet so suck and slow, like I renew my payment then just 4 day they sent me a message I’ve fully use 100% kuota.then i stop using it. why should I used it if the data already full when i just use not more than a week! I’m so frustrated. the I’m changing my phone number and use a celcom internet burung hantu so far it’s still good. then today I got a letter from lawyer that i have an amount that I don’t pay about rm 732.95 if I don’t pay within 7 day my name will be blacklisted on ctos then the interest will getting higher.!! omg!! how could I live!! I’m just 21 y/o who still a student. how can I find such amount of money!! please somebody help me!! I’m just crayin right now don’t know how to resolve this. I don’t want to pay cos I’m not use it!! if my name on ctos it’s really hard for me to make a bank loan? I don’t want my name on ctos.

  • i also got the same problem…. i cant even recall when i subscribed to YES.. maybe about 3 years ago..but i stopped using it after a year because the quota finished very fast.. when I ask YES, they said i need to pay the full remaining bill amount eventho i want to terminate earlier due to 2 years contract……… i didnt use it for the remaining 1 year… now they ask me to pay 700+.. i’m still unemployed how can i pay that amount to them.. they said wanna blacklist my name….. omg what should i do?????? they will only blacklist in telco service only or ALL BANK LOAN APPLICATION TOO???? haiz im very regret subscribed to YES… never say YES to YES…

  • i also got the same problem…. i cant even recall when i subscribed to YES.. maybe about 3 years ago..but i stopped using it after a year because the quota finished very fast.. when I ask YES, they said i need to pay the full remaining bill amount eventho i want to terminate earlier due to 2 years contract……… i didnt use it for the remaining 1 year… now they ask me to pay 700+.. i’m still unemployed how can i pay that amount to them.. they said wanna blacklist my name….. omg what should i do?????? they will only blacklist in telco service only or ALL BANK LOAN APPLICATION TOO???? haiz im very regret subscribed to YES… never say YES to YES…

  • Me too I had use their service on April 16 and stop using after april 16 cause bad line connection. I only get the SMS on October said my account is overdue and did not mentioned how much. Since may till September I did not receive any SMS or call regarding on this and the line had been deactivated. I can’t use the broadband any more but until today total bill for me is 900 plus. I call to their cs, the customer service said ur line is just deactivated only not Barned so the changes is still continue until u Barnes ur line. WTF I did not use their service anymore their said like this.. And moreover the cs said u need to return the mordem is u want to make settlement.. I said the mordem unable to found and he said there will be an charges on this. Mordem is 399 plus ur outstading balance.. Total is 1.3 WTF on this.. Now what should I do, should I pay the I’ll and Barnes the line or what.. I can afford on 1.3k ..pls adv me what should I do.

  • Same problem here, Just receive a letter from a collector company that I need to pay 1600++. Im a foreign, Do i get banned on leaving the country nor entering it?

  • I have the same problems, I found out many afraid of blacklist and pay even it few hundred. I don’t want to do so since it our hard earned money. If we all reports it to MCMC let see how’s it goes

  • Hi peeps,

    I have moved from KL, back to my kampung. I have been using Yes postpaid 4GB quota plan for 4 years. Then I heard and subscribed to Yes Fiz unlimited plan which offer 1Mbps. The first year, no problem. But in the 2nd year, there comes the problem. Speed sometimes inconsistent. Download 1.03Mbps, upload 0 Mbps. Even worse, sometimes no connectivity at all. I have to turned ON/OFF the modem many times to get the signal. Luckily, I have another 4 months before Yes contract ends and I have been thinking to subscribe Streamyx plan since no Unifi coverage in my area. This will be my last time subsciption with Yes. Honestly, Yes need to improve coverage and connection instead of focusing on new plans with few improvement. That’s all, folks.

  • Yes 4g service provider is giving as a very hard time. Even we need to do a urgent transaction. Everyday we are facing the same issue.what for, we are paying it every month. Even need to pay just to cut the line while Im paying my bill up to date.

  • I bought Proton Preve car came with Yes 4G huddle since April 2012 and it offer FREE usage for one year, and now is February 2013, only left 2 months to get expired, BUT until now my yes ID not yet activated and I called their support, they said only need 2 days to complete, and now already 10 months over, none of their support dare to pick up my call, anyway, I already throw this huddle into Klang river and if they call to ask me to renew the service, I will tell them, sorry I don’t have credit card, will you accept my cheque dated April 2014?

  • I agree with u Keith. U have all the reason to quit using Yes. I experience that to. I was wondering what happenend to this huddle because no warning how much balance left. I still on my stremyx since unifi still didnt cover my area.

    • Am more worst that now have an outstanding rm3k plus which I need to pay. Earlier someone from yes agreed to me.. As long I pay every month then my name not in CTOS ..

      Now ,, no discount at all, now I received one sms said my name is blacklisted because not paying. Am really don’t understand.

      Before am subscribed,, I told them my area have no coverage as there is something blocking … And also tat why I have closed my P1 and they allowed me with paying some penantly which f w hundred. But ,, yes totally count from your agreement and no discount at all.

      Story is…when I used.. Internet connection is worst than ever. So,, I went nearby my place and wan to close account,, their staff said can’t . And I called to them,, no pickup. Only one month after that they have blacklisted me.

      So,, I chose to pay them instalment to settled it and now,, they sms me that am blacklisted in CTOS.

      • I received a letter from yes that i must pay rm.1690.10 crazy… I did not use the yes a long time ago.. Why he ask me to pay??..

      • If you still pay installments, what else they do to you?Do you receive any letter from the law firm earlier? I’m in the same condition as you. My debt is 1,5++ and I got letter from law firm which said I need to pay the whole amount in 10days or else they will take action towards me. I can’t afford to pay a whole amount once, if I pay them installment would they still take action? What is the next step after they sent you letter from the law firm? I shouldn’t took this fuckin broadband if I know this will happened. Sigh~

          • Normally in this case ur name will be blaclisted and after that will be listed in CTOS. After u clear all your outstanding then u can request a release letter from YES.

            I think that is the procedure. Same as other telco company.

      • Thank you for sharing your experience as Yes customers’. I think this would be happened if customer service is helpful where way out advise avail to avoid penalty made to customer. Why not yes giving an option to cease contract by settling the os and return the devise to them.

      • I will be getting my Preve soon with Yes 4G bundled. he said that the first year is free. I mean, how reliable is it in a Preve?

        • I guess that fully depends on where you drive. my experience with yes coverage was good in klang valley. Can’t comment for elsewhere.

  • Hey Im doing research about Yes Broadband and found your articles about it! Very helpful for me to take reference before buying it. But here’s something I think I can share at here, regarding to the contact numbers of YesCare. They updated their website. 😉

    You can e-mail to yescare@yes.my or call us at 018 333 0000.
    Note: The 03 8313 0000 number is no longer in use.

    YesCare operating hours:
    Mon-Fri: 8am-10pm
    Sat-Sun & Public holidays: 9am-5pm

    • Their services are NO! Their services very SUCK at all. Even calling to their customer service hotline 0183330000. The AI will keep on telling your information to you. After few minutes its still the same and NO ONE will pick your phone to serve you. Most of the time their network coverage very small and slow. When you are inside a building or a house, you are probably not in service already!

      Their email just for display purpose I think. I have sent few emails to them, but doesn’t has any reply. Just let customer send the email for fun?

      So please, everyone should think probably before you use this service provider 🙂

  • yeah its a bad service.. there is a fair usage policy and best effort basis in the tnc as well. it is not a premium service. its unifi but with higher price only. if finish quota then capped speed. then hell it gets so slow because with quota it is fast. so it is like unifi, if the network is down, then you wait. complaining also not going to help because its a cheap service. slow connection also cannot complain because theres this fair usage policy, u share the same bandwith with all the other ppl. same with yes. now if i want my own bandwith and not sharing it with the rest of the world i should take up premium service offered for companies. 1Mb already enough. pay 60k per month. no downtime got backup.

  • I bought their Zoom router outright, paid RM399. Configured once and left it at 1 spot at home to use everyday for the next 2 years. 2 weeks ago, the device stopped working. I walked into their outlet at Lot 10, the technician tried to do a factory reset. After trying 4-5 times, his response is the device is not working anymore. My only option is to buy a new device. Yes, i know my warranty period has expired but they can’t even try send the device for further troubleshooting or quote me to repair. Routers usually last for a very long time unless there’s a power surge at home. Nobody messes with a router at home like a washing machine or oven. You just configured it and leave it there to work. I asked the technician for a confirmation report that the device is no longer usable and he said there’s no such thing. He offered to print out the device information, e.g. MAC address, serial no., warranty period. What the heck can i do with these information?

  • I agree. Total rip-off service with horrible customer care. Go into their store and it will take you an hour to get out of there. If you deviate from their script by one word – ie: you have an existing device but don’t have a Yes ID – they’ll break down and just keep asking you the same question over and over and over again. Their wireless devices aren’t even wireless; my Huddle device can’t stand 1 hour without being charged. It’s like I’m living in 2001 with a long USB cord attached to a device bigger than my wallet.

  • fucker yes 4g as well. the slowest internet in my life. forever fuck YES 4G. I hope YES company read my comment.

  • YTL hired all those stupid and idiot programmer from Iran, Turkey and stupid project manager from India due to low labour, because of this stupidity and want to save huge cost on labour and earn huge profits from us, they took this risk!

  • Yes 4G coverage area redeuced. Area which was previously on their coverage map – is now outside their coverage map. Reason given is blindspot.

  • The latest of the dislike is balance of data usage even if you keep renewals on time will no longer be applicable. Yes, planning a replacement to disconnect them now…

    • that’s a pity man. I guess Yes4g can be a pretty good backup device but definitely not a primary connectiob.

  • 100% agreed to the above comment, i am the new user for ZOOM 98 just only 5 days finish all my 10GB data, and asking me to top up again reason given is data finish, so i have no choice have to do the new top up, top up with another 3GB for RM55, again 5 hours reaching 80% of my quota, when i asking for the proven on transaction but feedback to me is confidential cannot prove even i am the account holder.
    Please read thru the agreement before sign, we have to pay the penalty for the monthly fee x 24 months. YES IS JUST LIKE AH LONG.,

    • Change ur password lim. Probably someone get hold of it. Happened to my brother once. He changed it, good as new

  • Yes provides the worst customer service. When they think payment is not received, they will not notify/make any inquiry first. They just cut the service without even discussing reasons/options with the customer first. In my situation, I had actually already made payment, but they did not receive notification of payment for some reason – so they barred my account outright. I informed them that I had indeed made payment, and e-mailed them proof of payment, but they refuse to unbar my account until they are investigate further. Seriously, do I have to prove to these people that I deserve their internet??? I would rather just switch a more customer-friendly service provider elsewhere.

  • i have no problem using yes 4g. u mobile also has 4g service update 2015 recently. i can manage banwidth using open vpn at my office server using set only 256kbps n operate still fast steadly for email or remoting. office located at gombak and i work remotely in nilai area.

  • YES is going to be NO to me soon… it seems the website is down too… and i cant get connected for three days now… hmmmm hmmm

  • I had the worst case I guess. I am a student and I use quite a lot of internet due to the course I’m taking in which I decided to use YES. During the registration, the sales girl told me about the data plan and stuffs and asked me to sign a blue form saying that it is proof that I HAVE RECEIVED THE DEVICE ONLY. As I was in a rush, it wa smy fault of not reading further. After about 2 months, I couldnt use my huddle and I went to fix it. TWICE. and both times she said it will work and sorts and after that when I tried to go back there to do it, the store was gone. And I didn’t use it anymore because it was troublesome. about 1 year later, they called me and threatened to pay RM1189.80 or YES will sue me and make sure I didn’t get access to any loan including my studies loan. I was so confused when she said I have signed a contract when I couldn’t think when I did. I swear I didn’t hear a word coming out from the sales girl about contract and now i was forced to pay eventhough i hadn’t used the Yes and more annoying, I was not provided the service that was suppose to be given. YES company is a cheater. Please Never, Ever Use YES. They cheat you into using it and use it to threatened you later on. Not to mention the operator was absolutely RUDE and not wanting to explain anything but kept on threatening that they would be glad to take legal actions especially since I was a student. I ended up being chased out of the house for a few weeks and had to find my own way to pay for something i didn’t use. YES IS A CORRUPTED BUSSINESS!!I

    • Evy, I also experienced the same issue. I stopped using the lousy YES service after 2 months, but knew later bond with 2 years contract, they asked me to fork out rm 1300+ if not will sue me to court. Did they really do that ??

    • Gracious, I’ve experience something similar to yours,as a student I can really relate to the financial burden. Apart from the lousy connection and power starving YES Huddle, my YES account was abruptly terminated without my consent. Which lead to penalty due to termination. And they insist on me paying the full penalty amount when I had never even agreed to any termination at all. Very disappointing, I would never recommend YES to anybody, especially students.

    • My dear above, i am having same problem now. they r rude, saying that court will sue me. I really duno wat different between bar & terminate. now they want me pay back few thousand. wat should i do?

      • This actually happened to me but with P14G service. I already asked them to terminate my service via phone call after the contract. 1 year later i received a call from a lawyer saying that I have an outstanding payment of almost 1k. I told them that I have not been using the service, so why do I need to pay? I called up P1 and asked them what actually happened, they say they never get any termination notice from me. So I had to pay up 1k to clear my name from AKPK black list.

        I believe YES 4G also use the same tactic with their customers. Use or not, you still have to pay. As P1 informed me, if I’ve not been using the service, the fault is on ‘my side’ not ‘their side’ bcs they still provide the service, it’s my lose I’ve not been using. Total loss: 1k and lifetime regret for ever trusting any of these companies.

        Now I’m using YES Zoom. The connection is very unstable with speed 0.01Mbps. But I still pay because my contract is yet to end. I will terminate when the time comes and subscribe Unifi.

  • same here, they’re not calling me when my bill is ready to pay, so i suspect they terminate my acc… after a year, they said my bill is rm1000.. wth i said,, they never call me b4,, even no message they send me, suddently i must play for 1k? i prefer TM more, atleast TM will call you if your bill is higher than rm200.. they will said why,how.. if we cant continue the payment, they will terminate imediately even the contract still on.. but not like yes, they dont tell/call.. how we know… especially when we open the acc for our child/mom under our name.. and one more thing is we cant limit the speed, i know its 4g.. but for example if we hv quota 16gb but the speed is more than 12mbps.. it will consume all the data.. if you watch youtube/any video on the internet/download big file (eg. 6gb file). it will consume all 16gb quota.. bcoz we cant limit the speed.. thats why im very frustrated with yes . (sorry if my english is too bad)

    • Hi, I have some problem.
      Their service sucks, and ask me to pay for something that I can’t use, I even don’t have internet service at all from them 🙁

      They say I need to pay 300 else the will fill sue and get black listed by CTOS ,CCRIS and RAMC.

      Do you pay them?
      Please reply, I need some suggestion

  • Omaigod i thot iam the only person had bad experience with Yes. Only on the first day using my Yes data all 4gig used up and Yes ask me to buy booster already…i feel like being cheated by Yes…i went to Yes customer service in Lot ten to stop the account but i was forced to continue another month and force to pay for the continued service the reason being i have to inform 7 days earlier for them to process the account closure only to receive worst no data at all for the continued month…hell to Yes…to others…pls dun use Yes

  • Just got my YES 4G upon purchase of IRIZ. Supposedly to be the best 4G in town .. well wat da heck got it for free … somehow after using it for almost 2 months now & suddenly yesterday it stopped working totally … upon checking today with YES CRM, they told me … “Sir, you’ve used up all your quotas” … God my average daily usages were below 100mb … suddenly yesterday it shot up to 1.5GB in one day … Die man!! sure die one!!! … now I hv no internet service and was told to wait till end of July b4 I can use it back … phew!! .. somebody must hv hijacked my databits as I was at a public area when it happened yesterday ….sigh … there’s no warning of high usage at all …it’s like YES condone to such “robbery”… shame on you …

    • Got “free” huddle to for buying proton iriz..had similar problem as your after 1 month usage…my password keep changing everyday..had called and inform yes operator many times to rechange my password..its unbilievable can u imagine within 1 weeks the passqord keep changing on its own 20 timess?damn i think it must be people who work in yes dat change my password and use up all my data..it doeant make sense that they cant do anythig and only advice me to keep rechange the password ..lousy security system yes 4g have..fuck

  • I’m new YES broadband user, just bought the Zoom prepaid starter pack last month, which cost me more than RM400.

    Yesterday there was heavy rain in my area, and after that my Zoom wifi router’s signal drop significantly from 4 bars to 1 bar only, which eventually I can’t browse the Internet at all due to weak signal.
    So I called YesCare Customer Support 0183330000, the YES agent told me that there was something wrong with the tower in my area and the technician was fixing it as we speak, probably will be fixed by yesterday night or today morning, asked me to try again later.

    However, this morning I don’t see any changes at all, 1 bar signal, can’t even browse Google. So I called them again, gave my YES ID, asking why the problem still persists since yesterday I called in. The agent checked and told me there is nothing wrong with the tower in my area, and he doesn’t see any report from the previous agent that I spoke with yesterday.

    So the agent I spoke with yesterday was actually lie to me eventough I told him that I got very important presentation that I need to use my Internet without interruption today afternoon. How could he?

    And I spent more than RM20 calling them. Those agent always asked me to do some useless troubleshooting, which doesn’t solve the problem at all.

    If anything happened to my presentation this afternoon, I gonna crush the YES Zoom wifi router with a hammer and put it on youtube. Son of a bitch!

    *This is not the first time I got weak signal. The previous one was much worse.

  • YES! They made it difficult for you to terminate the service. You will have to go to their store to terminate it. The same goes to Celcom. I terminated Celcom becos of most unfriendly service and make things difficul for me. And I am going to do the same NO!, real soon!00

  • Really cheater, what the way they count quota? 7GB just for 5 or 7 days only? other service provider can provide better speed in just 3 GB quota ! Before I was using DiGi and U Mobil internet ! They are more better, I mean their 3GB Quota is far better than this cheater Yes’s 7GB data…when I end my contract, 100% i terminate this stupid system !

  • Well ,i recieve a massage that say bill statement and amt,cause im first time using YES so i hav to know about YES sending the msg to alert my data usage is low? I buy the package in 28/3 ,and 1/4 YES sending msg to me ,jus few day and 16GB finish? If i continue using ,will it charge me more ?

    • No MQ, they can’t charge you more unless you purchase a booster, but once your credit is finished the internet will be so slow as to render it almost unusable… I think the speed is about 128 kb per second. Normal sped is 4 mb

  • i already paid my bill this month and i kept getting message from yes said that i have reached 100% of monthly data quota. or purchase superbooster to continue surfing. so i purchase 3.0 superbooster. then, not more than 3 days, i get the same message again. what the heck laa. now, my line is super duper slow n now i have tonne of assignmnt need to submit. what else should i do??

  • GOSH!! I thought my issue with YES might be peculiar, I not no idea there are so many similar problem here… I experienced all the downsides Keith mentioned here hence I have decided I will terminated the contract once the two years is up. Unfortunately just 2 months before the contract ends, the modem broken down, exactly same situation like Yung. Went to Lot 10, waited for the manager for 4hrs. They didn’t even try to reboot it just asking me to buy a new one. I said I won’t pay for a new one since I have the intention to cancel the account. I suggested if they can try and repair it, very poor customer service guy do nothing to help. They said if I am not happy to buy a new one I should fill up the feedback form, leave the modem and they will get back to me on their suggestion. However for more than one year no one get back to me and recently a lawyer letter demand for payment for the balance two months charges and few messages saying I am blacklisted!!! Why should I pay for something that I didn’t use???? Very very disappointing how unreasonable and unhelpful YES is. I felt utterly stupid choosing this very well-advertised internet service, real cheater like GB mentioned here. To those who is reading this PLEASE DON”T USE YES!!!


  • I had the same issue a few years ago when they first launch the Eclipse smartphone and bought sign up for Zoom package thinking the allocated bandwidth should last a year but only 6 months.

    I wasted 500mb twice downloading a software update over 1.2G and then told about the 500mb cap. Burnt 1Gig for nothing, after that connection begin to slow and down time happen every day.

    Umobile, Tune Talk are scaled down service for the least affordable and it sucks for business on the go, Hotlink prepaid is a better option (premium) because it still work even at low signal connection, others don’t except I haven’t try Digi.

  • I receive a call today from them that they hve issue my a lawyer letter and that i need to pay 2k plus b4 the 29th.. when i didnt even use it at all.. wtf… seriously? Any idea wat will happen if i dont pay up as im not workin now..

  • Same here. I applied for rm78 5gb per month. and then they texted me that they terminated my acc after i didnt pay for 3 months. So i just let it be like that. I thought the acc alrdy terminated. so i didnt pay for 7 months alrdy. just now they call me that my bill is rm1600. Wtf? If u count it. rm78x7 = rm546 . even if include gst will not reach fucking rm1600. FUCKING YES FUCKING ASSHOLE

    • I am facing a similar issue. I was 23 years old at the time unaware they were trapping me legally into the contract. I barely used it for 1 month and after 3 months my account was terminated which i though should put an end to it. They told me i am blacklisted, and i am an international student who is not working. Why should i pay for something that haven’t used for 3 frigging years! We should group together and sue their asses off for this kind of trickery at consumer court. If you guys are interested, email me at hizuna786@gmail.com so we can all meet and do something about it!

      • Normally if they have terminated you.. To them is no discount and fucking need us pay all in full. And putting our name is CTOS blacklist. This am facing now…

        Worst right?
        Even am not working now also

  • So, should we pay or not? I have an outstanding around of 2.8k with Yes 4G after abandoning their service for like six months plus. They called me today, told me to pay and a lawyer’s letter will be sent if I don’t pay up.

  • I am thinking changing from maxis 4g which i paid rm88 for 5gb + 15gb to unlimited quota ytl zoom or ytl 88, good move?

  • Vince and Amir, I don’t think you should pay up without contesting their charges. You should lodge a complaint using the link I provided in my previous post, and ask them to mediate for you. This may free you of the debt and stop this unethical company from ripping off others in the same way. Let us know how you go. YES continues to cheat me on data. Rather than purchasing their boosters I have turned my phone into a hotpot. I calculate that with YES I am using 10 to 20 times more data for similar surfing using my phone, which is with Celcom

  • same with me. how you settle down?
    the time you subscribe,how long your contract?
    maybe we can keep in touch.

  • I’ve been using Yes Home Internet for quite some time now and before that I used to use Unifi. From my point of view, even though Unifi is more expensive than Yes, it provides a more stable, reliable connection when compared to Yes. Yes can’t even provide a stable skype connection. Whenever I wanna watch youtube, I always stuck at 360p. Never HD resolution. I really want to change to TIME internet but they don’t cover my area.. 🙁

  • I also using yes before this . Only 1 months I use then they ask to top up then I not use until now.. then after 3 or 4 months . They sms me paid rm1k below !! It’s fucking liar . Then they said my account already terminated. But I don’t ask them to terminated the account !!said NO to YES!!

  • I have had 2 different accounts with YES over a period of around 5 years. I closed the first account because I thought it was being hacked, but the same problem keeps happening.

    I now have the Super 98 deal with 10 gig. This month the 10 gig finished in 8 days, so I buy a 5 gig booster. That finished in one day so I buy another 5 gig. So far this month I have spent RM 250 and only half way through the month. My usage is only light, surfing the net and reading emails, no movies! After reading this blog it is now clear to me what I always suspected,

    Also it is worth noting that as data gets cheaper the quotas increase, but only for new customers, so the old customers pay more than the new ones. Other providers automatically upgrade their existing customers when the quotas increase, but YES doesn’t.

    A lot of people here are concerned about threats of legal action for unpaid bills. I suggest that these are bluff. You shouldn’t be bullied into paying their bill if they have cheated or not provided the service that they were contracted to supply. Perhaps Kieth could connect us all up to initiate a class action against them?

  • I purchased one Yes product in 2012 and used it for 2 months only. The service was of absolute poor quality. Unreliable customer service. 4 years later, exactly 2 days ago a moron from a collection company from Sepati or whatever, claiming to represent Yes says I have to pay RM800 and he can push it down to RM600. Today he called again i a rude voice “Regarding my discount, are you interested or NOT? If you refuse to pay in 2 days we will send you a legal letter. Wow Tan Sri Francis Yeoh, owner of YTL Corporation that own Yes, for someone who appears to be religious and God fearing, you sure know how to exploit your ex-customers! Disgusting.

  • “Dear…, remit full balance of rm1839 immediately to avoid your name updated inc-tos and ALL YOUR CREDIT APPLICATION WITH BANKS WILL BE BLOCKED. Watsapp/sms at 0133564203/0133562937 upon making payment.”
    Anyone else get this message?? I didnt pay for 4 months within contract period, was thinking to pay all after i received my bonus but then the penalty msg came, so i cannot afford to pay all. I just let it be because i dont have that much money to pay..then i receive this msg.

  • I can say yes actually cheated me. As i am an aggressive person. Because I want my online course going. Yes4g cut off my line by telling me I reach 100% quota after my monthly payment at beginning of the month. How the hell my quota run out as light Even I don’t run any inch?

  • Me too I had use their service on April 16 and stop using after april 16 cause bad line connection. I only get the SMS on October said my account is overdue and did not mentioned how much. Since may till September I did not receive any SMS or call regarding on this and the line had been deactivated. I can’t use the broadband any more but until today total bill for me is 900 plus. I call to their cs, the customer service said ur line is just deactivated only not Barned so the changes is still continue until u Barnes ur line. WTF I did not use their service anymore their said like this.. And moreover the cs said u need to return the mordem is u want to make settlement.. I said the mordem unable to found and he said there will be an charges on this. Mordem is 399 plus ur outstading balance.. Total is 1.3 WTF on this.. Now what should I do, should I pay the I’ll and Barnes the line or what.. I can afford on 1.3k ..pls adv me what should I do.

  • I have the same problems, I found out many afraid of blacklist and pay even it few hundred. I don’t want to do so since it our hard earned money. If we all reports it to MCMC let see how’s it goes

  • Same problem here, Just receive a letter from a collector company that I need to pay 1600++. Im a foreign, Do i get banned on leaving the country nor entering it?

  • Hi peeps,

    I have moved from KL, back to my kampung. I have been using Yes postpaid 4GB quota plan for 4 years. Then I heard and subscribed to Yes Fiz unlimited plan which offer 1Mbps. The first year, no problem. But in the 2nd year, there comes the problem. Speed sometimes inconsistent. Download 1.03Mbps, upload 0 Mbps. Even worse, sometimes no connectivity at all. I have to turned ON/OFF the modem many times to get the signal. Luckily, I have another 4 months before Yes contract ends and I have been thinking to subscribe Streamyx plan since no Unifi coverage in my area. This will be my last time subsciption with Yes. Honestly, Yes need to improve coverage and connection instead of focusing on new plans with few improvement. That’s all, folks.

  • Yes 4g service provider is giving as a very hard time. Even we need to do a urgent transaction. Everyday we are facing the same issue.what for, we are paying it every month. Even need to pay just to cut the line while Im paying my bill up to date.