Intels Museum of Me and privacy concerns it entails


Popular Website Gizmodo, today posted a link to Intels new Museum of me that allows Facebook users to grab information from their facebook profiles and post them up in a really cool museum like format.

I’ve been unable to view it, I suspect it’s due to the fact that 100,000+ people have liked it since it launched barely hours ago. Talk about an internet sensation. It remains to be seen though if the website itself is overloaded of facebook has blocked the auths from intel. It sounds totally cool, but what you’re essentially doing is granting permission to a corporation to view you personal data…all of it. Not just the stuff you fill up in a form but all the stuff on your facebook.

Gizmodo, aptly titles the post,…reminds us why we shouldn’t use faceboook. Yet another reason to not post anything you wish to remain private into public space.

One user on Gizmodo commented that:

I don’t have a problem with using Facebook for my friends and family… but I’d prefer if corporations didn’t want all of this:

IntelĀ® The Museum of Me is requesting permission to do the following:

Access my basic information
Includes name, profile picture, gender, networks, user ID, list of friends, and any other information I’ve shared with everyone.
Post to my Wall
IntelĀ® The Museum of Me may post status messages, notes, photos, and videos to my Wall
Access posts in my News Feed
Access my profile information
Likes, Music, TV, Movies, Books, Quotes, Activities, Interests, Hometown and Current City
Access my photos and videos
Photos Uploaded by Me, Videos Uploaded by Me and Photos and Videos of Me
Access my friends’ information
Likes, Music, TV, Movies, Books, Quotes, Activities, Interests, Photos, Videos and Photos and Videos of Them

That’s a lot of stuff for a capitalist corporation to be wanting to use…then again, isn’t facebook a capitalist corporation?

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